Friday, 7 February 2014

Nice, Monaco and a lot of Champagne.

Tom came to visit me in Monty P again, but as it's not the biggest of places we thought we should venture further afield. To Nice, for instance. 

Despite it drizzling pretty much non-stop, we managed to explore La Vieille Nice, the old town which is stunning, and climb the hill to an old castle with the most beautiful view (above) and waterfall (below) ever.

Of course this called for a photo opportunity. 

Before dinner, we thought an aperitif was in order, so we headed to a champagne bar for a glass of Mumm each and some nibbles. 

For the evening meal, we had meat fondue, which, I'm ashamed to say, is the first time I've ever had it.. But it was worth the wait. This photo was taken in-between our restaurant and our walk to the next bar; just look at that sunset!

After gorging ourselves on meat, chips and some vin, we went for cocktails. This place, I wish I could remember the name! It was underground, bustling with locals, and the choice of cocktails… It was like being in a dream! 

After ordering a few rounds, the bartender realised we weren't going anywhere, so gave us both a free shot with liquid ice - amazing!

The place was so buzzing but relaxed, and we wanted to stay, so Tom splurged.. 

But he was upset that it didn't come with sparklers. 

The next day, we found out it was only half an hour to Monte Carlo, so that was a no-brainer. The weather unfortunately got worse, but we're Brits, and we're used to the rain, and we didn't let it ruin our day (despite having wet feet by the end). 

The Casino

Inside the casino

The rain got too much, so we went for lunch. Hands down, the best view for a lunch time meal I've had...

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